主演:索菲·舒特 罗夫·鲍尔
导演:Peter Stauch
简介:After finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the supermarket. She is a happy girl who counts her co-workers among her best friends. The only sore spot has been her love life, but now that her secret high school crush Martin has returned, Claudia’s hopes are ignited. Martin had been in America, where his attempts to make it as a professional singer ha...
主演:Jarrid Geduld Gail Mabalane 安德烈·雅各布斯 Nicole Fortuin Louw Venter Abduragman Adams Qaeed Patel 苏珊·丹福特 Hannes van Wyk Hlomla Dandala Beer Adriaanse Bulelwa Cosa David Davidoss Ryle De Morny Toni Jean Erasmus
导演:Travis Taute
简介: Theo Abrams is an ex-Cape Town fireman suffering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unable to return to work due to the psychological trauma sustained during a failed rescue mission, an increasingly frustrated and volatile Theo's world is rocked when one morning, he wakes up next to his wife's murdered corpse with no recollection of what transpired and all evidence suggesting that he's killed her. When the police label him as the prime suspect, Theo goes on the run, and is soon being hunted by Deputy Chief of Police, Alan Shard, a notoriously ruthless soldier of the law, who is hell-bent on catching Theo as one last act of service before he officially retires. However, when an unknown third party is thrown into the mix, Theo discovers an alarming connection between the sinister forces hunting him in an attempt to silence him permanently for a reason he can't comprehend; and a recent investigation his wife was conducting into a global armament contractor. When connecting the dots becomes a matter of life and death, Theo becomes embroiled in a desperate fight for survival and must figure out who really murdered his wife before a terrifying conspiracy changes the course of a nation forever.
主演:尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 贾斯汀·巴萨 Justin Bartha 黛安·克鲁格 Diane Kruger 强·沃特 Jon Voight 海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 艾德·哈里斯 Ed Harris 哈威·凯特尔 Harvey Keitel 布鲁斯·格林伍德 Bruce Greenwood 泰·布利尔 Ty Burrell Michael Maize 蒂莫西·V·墨菲 Timothy V. Murphy 艾丽莎·科波拉 Alicia Coppola 阿
导演:乔·德特杜巴 Jon Turteltaub
简介:冒险家本•盖茨(尼古拉斯•凯奇饰)是次要挑战更艰难的探险寻宝之旅。美国第16任总统亚伯拉罕• 林肯之死一直是美国历史上的一宗悬案,据调查,凶手约翰•沃克斯•布斯实际是受人唆使犯下惊天命案。盖茨参加一次...
主演:武井乔治 Taylor Feldman Shanita King Stacey Rice Ryan Stee Allen Denison Jen Gosnell Paige Johnson Jones Jonah Kersey Karen Maseng Karyn O'Bryant
导演:Devin Fei-Fan Tau
简介:「出櫃與攀登胡德山很像,都很難。」台裔美籍導演 Devin Fei-Fan Tau紀錄四位酷兒運動員,攀登美國奧勒岡州胡德山的過程。這座活火山標高只有3429 公尺,但危險性十足,途中有11條冰川並長年積雪。「我們需要你的幫忙,我們需要你成為我們的盟友」,全片透過「登山」,暗喻「出櫃」所經歷的掙扎與挑戰,就算你成功出櫃了,但登上山頂後要下山,出櫃也是,得面臨接踵而來的諸多挑戰。
主演:Josh Brolin
导演:Jon Freeman Paul Taublieb
简介:The definitive, adrenaline-soaked story of the birth and boom of the most extreme sport on the planet Freestyle Motocross.
主演:Steffen Groth Maike Bollow
导演:Peter Stauch
简介: 为了赚钱读书,娜奥米·克鲁斯在汉堡市一家豪华别墅里做了六个月保姆。起初,一切进展顺利,她意外地爱上邻居塞巴斯蒂安。塞巴斯蒂安以为她就是这栋豪宅的新主人。顺水推舟,娜奥米自称系出名门。 但是,这个小谎言马上露出了破绽,娜奥米家的房子烧毁了,他们一家人全都来到了豪宅前,尽管他们竭力遮掩,假装只是偶尔过来一次,但是他们的行为似乎显得捉襟见肘。 她的妈妈希尔德(一位快餐厨师),很快便把这高科技的厨房弄得乱七八糟。还有她的爸爸亚历克斯居然在起居室打高尔夫球。而她的妹妹尚塔尔明显得在获取男人的关注。 塞巴斯蒂安的妈妈邀请娜奥米一家人参加豪华马球俱乐部派对,娜奥米几乎精神崩溃。更令她失望的是,塞巴斯蒂安和富豪建筑师保尔·普勒腾贝格的女儿巴比特订婚了,这一消息真是骇人听闻。 然而,事实上普勒腾贝格已经破产了,他看中的只是塞巴斯蒂安的钱财。巴比特揭露了娜奥米的真实身份。现在一切都真相大白,塞巴斯蒂安究竟爱谁?究竟相信谁?
主演:米洛·文堤米利亚 布里吉特·瑞根 阿曼达·舒尔 乔纳森·弗雷克斯 哈维尔·博泰特 肖恩·阿什莫 斯宾塞·德雷弗 Adam Hurtig Scott Johnson 威尔·沃伊托维希 Beverly Ndukwu 萨拉·康斯提布尔 Jan Skene
导演:Clay Staub
简介: 故事设定在北达科他州的恶魔之门小镇,一个女人和她的儿子失踪了,FBI与当地的警长联手探寻真相,这起谜一样的失踪案似乎与女人的丈夫有关。
导演:Wolfgang Staudte
简介: The mechanic Behnke wants to join the Nazi party to secure a good living. However, after his Jewish neighbors have been taken away, he changes his views. from IMDB user comment: Wolfgang Staudte fervently condemned the disinterested bourgeois who is not at all committed and hesitantly validates his standpoint. Rotation shows the dangers such an unbiased civilian is to compelled...
主演:Nadja Becker Steffen Groth 迪特·哈勒沃登 Christiane Krüger
导演:Peter Stauch
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