主演:Lorenzo Music Gregg Berger Thom Huge Desiree Goyette Howie Morris Frank Welker Julie Payne Pat Buttram
导演:Jeff Hall Tom Ray Ron Myrick Dave Brain
简介:超级活泼可爱的加菲猫回来啦! 什么?他只会躺在沙发上吃着披萨懒洋洋的看电视?那你可错啦,有了加菲猫,可没让他的伙伴欧迪消停过。他的鬼点子让他们的主人乔恩也抓狂不已。不过,当朋友遇到危难,顽皮的加菲猫也会挺身而出,成为盖世英雄。 千万不要冒犯他哦,他会让你灰头土脸;千万也 别小瞧他哦,你无法抗拒他可爱的眼神,搞怪的行为。 最新的3D技术,精良的制作工艺,《加菲猫的幸福生活》会让你在笑声中度过每段欢乐时光。更多精彩故事,就在《加菲猫的幸福生活》!
主演:Lorenzo Music Gregg Berger Thom Huge Desiree Goyette Howie Morris Frank Welker Julie Payne Pat Buttram
导演:Jeff Hall Tom Ray Ron Myrick
简介:《加菲猫和他的朋友们第二季》是一部由Jeff HallTom Ray、Ron Myrick执导,Lorenzo Music等主演的动画片,1989年9月17日在美国首播。
主演:Lorenzo Music Gregg Berger Thom Huge Desiree Goyette Howie Morris Frank Welker Julie Payne Pat Buttram
导演:Jeff Hall Tom Ray Ron Myrick Dave Brain
主演:Lorenzo Music Gregg Berger Thom Huge Desiree Goyette Howie Morris Frank Welker Julie Payne Pat Buttram
导演:Jeff Hall Tom Ray Ron Myrick
简介:超级活泼可爱的加菲猫回来啦! 什么?他只会躺在沙发上吃着披萨懒洋洋的看电视?那你可错啦,有了加菲猫,可没让他的伙伴欧迪消停过。他的鬼点子让他们的主人乔恩也抓狂不已。不过,当朋友遇到危难,顽皮的加菲猫也会挺身而出,成为盖世英雄。 千万不要冒犯他哦,他会让你灰头土脸;千万也 别小瞧他哦,你无法抗拒他可爱的眼神,搞怪的行为。 最新的3D技术,精良的制作工艺,《加菲猫的幸福生活》会让你在笑声中度过每段欢乐时光。更多精彩故事,就在《加菲猫的幸福生活》!
主演:Lorenzo Music Gregg Berger Thom Huge Desiree Goyette Howie Morris Frank Welker
导演:Jeff Hall Tom Ray
简介:超级活泼可爱的加菲猫回来啦! 什么?他只会躺在沙发上吃着披萨懒洋洋的看电视?那你可错啦,有了加菲猫,可没让他的伙伴欧迪消停过。他的鬼点子让他们的主人乔恩也抓狂不已。不过,当朋友遇到危难,顽皮的加菲猫也会挺身而出,成为盖世英雄。 千万不要冒犯他哦,他会让你灰头土脸;千万也 别小瞧他哦,你无法抗拒他可爱的眼神,搞怪的行为。 最新的3D技术,精良的制作工艺,《加菲猫的幸福生活》会让你在笑声中度过每段欢乐时光。更多精彩故事,就在《加菲猫的幸福生活》!
主演:罗伦佐·缪西卡 格雷格·白尔杰 霍华德·莫里斯 Thom Huge 弗兰克·维尔克 Louise DuArt
导演:Dave Brain Becky Bristow
主演:罗伦佐·缪西卡 格雷格·白尔杰 Thom Huge
导演:Dave Brain Brian Hogan
简介:In this season, the show went back to airing one new episode a week, but stayed in the hour-length format, filling up the second half-hour with episodes from previous seasons and some of the prime-time specials from the 1980s. This entire season, along with the second half of season 6, is available on Garfield and Friends Volume 5 DVD set. Also worth noting is that here, a new theme song was added that was written by J.R. Johnston and Neil Panton. The theme was sung by J.R. Johnston. This theme song was not shown internationally, and as a result, it does not appear on the DVDs (although Garfield's quotations are kept intact). This new introduction sequence used most clips from Seasons 5-7 and a few from the first two seasons, as well as Garfield in Paradise and Garfield's Feline Fantasies. The episodes stopped using a few seconds of the theme playing in the episode title cards after season seven's fourth episode; music from the episodes were used in the title cards until the show ended, even though season six used music from some of their episodes.
主演:Lorenzo Music Gregg Berger Thom Huge Desiree Goyette Howie Morris Frank Welker Julie Payne Pat Buttram
导演:Steve Clark Jeff Hall
简介:全身长着橙色皮毛的加菲猫是一只生长在大都会内一个平凡街区的猫儿,他天生具有哲人般的怪想法和似乎有无止境的旺盛食欲。比萨、猪肉卷、意大利面、蛋糕乃至各种无上美味且具含高热量高脂肪的食物都是加菲的最爱,而对于青菜、老鼠等等则嗤之以鼻。对他来说,美美的吃上一顿后再打个盹,这便是最完美的猫生。而那个身为漫画家的主人乔恩,毋宁说是老天专门派来服侍他的仆人;小狗欧弟则当仁不让是加菲解闷找乐的首选对象。加菲猫自私、小气、贪婪、懒惰、虚荣、自恋,可是却得到了全世界的宠爱…… 本片根据吉姆·戴维斯(Jim Davis)的同名漫画作品改编。
主演:Lorenzo Music Gregg Berger Thom Huge Desiree Goyette Howie Morris Frank Welker
导演:Jeff Hall Tom Ray
简介:Skyway Robbery Jon, Garfield and Odie are passengers on a rickety broken-down plane flown by Al G. Swindler, who bails out and leaves them to fly the plane. The Bunny Rabbits is Coming! Orson and the others receive a moxia.cc telegram that says only 'The bunny rabbits is coming'. Close Encounters of the Garfield Kind John, Garfield and Odie encounter a cute little alien whose reasons for coming to earth are more sinister than he leads them to believe.
主演:罗伦佐·缪西卡 格雷格·白尔杰 霍华德·莫里斯 Thom Huge 弗兰克·维尔克 Louise DuArt
导演:Dave Brain Becky Bristow
简介:《加菲猫的幸福生活 第五季》,讲述一段不平凡的“猫鼠大战”。乔恩坚信只要有加菲猫在,就可以保证家里没有老鼠,但实际上情况并非如此,表面平静的家其实人员众多,热闹非凡…… 老鼠小吱要出走几天,所以他让这个不太聪明的小弟—阿文看管家里。结果小吱离开不久,惹是生非的表哥鼠仔就出现了。
主演:罗伦佐·缪西卡 Thom Huge 格雷格·白尔杰 唐·诺茨 朱莉·佩恩 霍华德·莫里斯 弗兰克·维尔克 Desirée Goyette 内尔·洛斯
导演:Dave Brain Ron Myrick
简介:In honor to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Garfield, CBS aired the sixth season in 1993. For this season, the titles changed at the beginning. Instead of showing clips from only the first two seasons, which is what happened for the last three seasons, the titles included more clips from the fifth season, plus some from this season and one from a second season episode Health Feud, but still retaining a large amount of the original clips. However, the theme tune remained the same. Episodes 90–96 are available on the Garfield and Friends Volume 4 DVD set. Episodes 97–105 are available on Garfield and Friends Volume 5 DVD set.
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